Using PayPal Payments Pro (WPP)

PayPal Payments Pro (or «Website Payments Pro») is a more awesome version of PayPal that lets you accept payments on your site. This is now documented by PayPal as a Classic API and should not be confused with the «PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition)» which is a newer API.

The PayPal Payments Pro solution reuses code from paypal.standard so you’ll need to include both apps. django-paypal makes the whole process incredibly easy to use through the provided PayPalPro class.

  1. Obtain PayPal Pro API credentials: login to PayPal, click My Account, Profile, Request API credentials, Set up PayPal API credentials and permissions, View API Signature.

  2. Edit and add paypal.standard and to your INSTALLED_APPS and put in your PayPal Pro API credentials.

        # ..
    PAYPAL_TEST = True
    PAYPAL_WPP_USER = "???"
  3. Update the database

  4. Write a wrapper view for


    from import PayPalPro
    def nvp_handler(nvp):
        # This is passed a PayPalNVP object when payment succeeds.
        # This should do something useful!
    def buy_my_item(request):
        item = {"paymentrequest_0_amt": "10.00",  # amount to charge for item
                "inv": "inventory",         # unique tracking variable paypal
                "custom": "tracking",       # custom tracking variable for you
                "cancelurl": "http://...",  # Express checkout cancel url
                "returnurl": "http://..."}  # Express checkout return url
        ppp = PayPalPro(
                  item=item,                            # what you're selling
                  payment_template="payment.html",      # template name for payment
                  confirm_template="confirmation.html", # template name for confirmation
                  success_url="/success/",              # redirect location after success
        return ppp(request)
  5. Create templates for payment and confirmation. By default both templates are populated with the context variable form which contains either a PaymentForm or a Confirmation form.


    <h1>Show me the money</h1>
    <form method="post" action="">
      {{ form }}
      <input type="submit" value="Pay Up">


    <!-- confirmation.html -->
    <h1>Are you sure you want to buy this thing?</h1>
    <form method="post" action="">
      {{ form }}
      <input type="submit" value="Yes I Yams">
  6. Add your view to, and add the IPN endpoint to receive callbacks from PayPal:

    from django.conf.urls import url, include
    from myproject import views
    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^payment-url/$', views.buy_my_item),
        url(r'^paypal/', include('paypal.standard.ipn.urls')),
  7. Profit.

Alternatively, if you want to get down to the nitty gritty and perform some more advanced operations with Payments Pro, use the class directly.

If you are testing locally using the WPP sandbox and are having SSL problems, please see issue 145.